Wednesday 19 December 2012

Science Journal 12: 2012 - Horrible Truth or Pseudoscience?

2012 - Horrible Truth or Pseudoscience?

          In spirit of the supposed upcoming “doomsday”, I decided to watch 2012, an apocalyptic movie that takes place during the predicted events of 2012.  This movie was an action/sci-fi film, and the plot was based on a lot of science.  A lot of the facts seemed quite believable, and some were explained so fast that the average viewer would not have had time to understand and reflect on what was being said.  The movie begins with a geologist meeting with an astrophysicist to discuss the issue of a large solar flare sending neutrinos to Earth, and causing its core’s temperature to rise significantly.  It is indicated that this increase in temperature would have a significant effect on the planet.  The film then cuts to the building of large ships in a mountainous area of China, and the hiding of valuable cultural pieces, such as painting and sculptures, deep in the Alps.  Then, we are introduced to the main characters:  a science fiction writer and his family, who try to escape the natural disasters that 2012 brings their way.  In the end, the main characters reach the now-constructed ships in China, and are looking forward to rebuilding their future. 

     Though there were many scientific facts and theories mentioned in this movie, the main one was a about a solar flare sending neutrinos to the Earth, and heating it up.  This caused pole shift and Earth crust displacement to occur resulting in massive earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity.  While analyzing the scientific facts in the movie, I found that it was easier to move backwards, and go from the consequence to the cause rather than from the cause to the consequence.  For example, the end result of all this activity was a significant change in the ocean levels and the decimation of most civilization on Earth.  Would this be possible through enormous amounts of volcanic activity, earthquakes, and tsunamis?  Probably.  The Japanese earthquake in 2011 was the 5th most powerful earthquake in the world since they have been recorded, and caused more than 25 000 people to become dead, missing, or seriously injured.  It also caused a major crisis for Japan’s nuclear power program.  By looking at previous events, it isn’t too far-fetched to imagine that many earthquakes and eruptions could destroy civilization. 

     The earthquakes, tsunamis, and other horrific natural disasters were the result of earth crust displacement and polar shift.  Popularized by Charles Hapgood, the theories of earth crust displacement and polar shift go hand in hand.  The theory states that the earth’s crust has gone through significant changes throughout time.  As well, changes in the magnetic and geographic poles in the Earth can be caused by this Earth crust displacement.  A character in the movie states that Hapgood said that this would happen because of a certain planetary alignment, and that Einstein had supported Hapgood’s theory.  By doing my own research, I found that planetary alignment has nothing to do with Hapgood’s theory (and therefore, Einstein hadn’t supported that part of it), and that the theory of crust displacement was made to explain some things that plate tectonics can now explain better.  Furthermore, NASA scientists have said that even though polar shift is possible and does happen, it happens extremely gradually and will not cause any major effects.  The North and South poles will not “flip” instantaneously.             

     The cause of the polar shift and crust displacement was the heating of the Earth’s core because of neutrinos from a solar flare.  In the movie, the neutrinos had an electric charge that caused them to heat up and liquefy the Earth’s core, resulting in the displacement of the Earth’s crust.  A few minutes of research breaks the plot this movie was based on.  Solar flares do occur, and send out coronal mass ejectons, which consist of many particles travelling through space.  Particles from a CME usually reach Earth in 24-48 hours, and don’t do much damage other than to electrical communications devices, and devices in space.  Neutrinos have no charge since they are neutral.  They also pass harmlessly through matter, and are not known to cause damage or a radical increase in temperature to the Earth.  Any harmful effects of neutrinos haven’t been proven, and exist only in theories that suggest that enough exposure to neutrinos can cause cancer.  Another thing I noticed during 2012 is that to melt the Earth’s core, you would need an amount of energy that doesn’t seem to be present in the film.  Though extremely hot, the Earth’s core is solid, largely because of the amount of pressure put on it.  You would need huge amounts of heat energy to melt the core.  Wouldn’t the energy cause massive destruction to the Earth’s surface before it did so to the core? 


       Overall, one can safely conclude that the science in this movie is merely pseudoscience, designed to entertain rather than educate.  The credibility of the science in this film isn’t very high, since it was designed to make profits.  The majority of viewers might at first be convinced that the events of 2012 could be a possibility, but once they look back and think about the movie, they will know it was just another passenger on the “2012 apocalypse” bandwagon.   

       I chose to watch and reflect upon this movie because of its relevance in current media and popular belief.  Many people believe that some sort of apocalyptic event could take place in 2012.  Many of these beliefs are being spread by the media, which is now almost omnipresent thanks to advances in technology.  We are constantly being spoken to by thousands of very convincing voices telling us that the Earth will end because of cosmic rays or planetary alignment.  Having even a little bit of scientific literacy and general knowledge will quickly help us realize that many of these predictions are based on fiction rather than fact.
 The amount of people that believe what the media says is slightly disturbing, since it shows how easily we can be fooled into thinking something that is false.  A lot of the media is also politically inclined, and might present to us biased news because of this.  Though it may seem bad, and maybe even evil, it is just a result of people trying to reach their own goals, and it can be avoided by taking on a responsibility to be informed, and not believe everything you hear.   

      Personally, I believe that on December 21st we will be just as prone to dying suddenly as we are on any other day.  Many people base their beliefs on religion or other’s experiences, which is an extremely personal choice.  I think that I will be able to survive best if I base my choices on science, since it has been proven to work many times.  If many other people and I are wrong about the world not ending on 2012, then at least we don’t have to worry about the consequences!  But it will also mean that I wrote this science journal for nothing... :P  Hopefully, all deathly cosmic rays will occur after I eat the food at the class parties! 


Monday 17 December 2012

Science Journal 11: Asteroid Mining

Asteroid Mining

For our grant proposal, our group is doing asteroid mining.  We chose asteroid mining because it is something we do not know much about, but that seems possible.  Larry Page, one of the founder of google, and James Cameron have decided to try and make asteroid mining into a business venture.  Many of the Earth’s precious metals are believed to have reached the Earth through asteroid impact.  Because they weren’t formed naturally on Earth, their supply is limited, making them very expensive.  As well, asteroid impacts tend place these metals in areas that are hard to reach.  An example of one of these minerals is platinum.  Earth does not have very much of it, making it very expensive.  However, many asteroids near Earth contain a large amount of platinum.  James Cameron plans to mine these minerals by first launching a telescope in outer space.  This telescope will orbit the Earth, and identify asteroids that have minerals that are in demand.  Once the asteroids have been identified, they will launch a ship to the asteroid, which will not be manned.  Cameron and Page have predicted that in time, asteroid mining will become extremely popular, and it will be feasible to place things such as refuel stations and repair stations in advantageous locations throughout space. 

Another precious resource that Page and Cameron plan to extract from asteroids is water.  Fresh water is an extremely valuable resource, since it isn’t just a want, we need it to survive.  Many people predict that the next major war will be fought over our fresh water resources.  Whether or not people believe global warming is an actual crisis, climate change is occurring.  The Earth is gradually increasing in temperature, and this is having drastic effects on not only the environment, but on our fresh water resources. Only about 3% of the total amount of water on Earth is fresh water.  Of that 3%, around 70% of the water is made up of glaciers and ice caps.  Because of climate change, these glaciers are melting, and our insubstantial percentage of freshwater on Earth is shrinking even more.  Unless we find a way to stop this climate change, the price of water will keep going up, and it will soon be a luxury. 

Page and Cameron have calculated costs, and have estimated that mining for platinum on asteroids will cost less in the long run than mining for it on Earth.  As the resources on Earth decrease, it will become harder and more expensive to mine them.  It is thought that an asteroid about 500 meters is capable of holding the same amount of platinum we have ever mined on Earth.  This is quite a large amount of platinum, and will definitely be an advantage in the long run.  Devices that use platinum will become cheaper and more accessible.   Around 100 out of the 8900 near-Earth asteroids are thought to contain water. As I mentioned before, water is an extremely valuable resource, and it would be extremely beneficial to the world if we are able to get more of it. 

One of the best advantages of asteroid mining is the significant impact it has on improving the state of the environment.  Mining right now has many negative effects on the environment, and many people feel as if we’re consuming more energy than we’re getting.  Though launching rockets will affect the environment at first, it will have a much lower impact than mining does. We will have to use a lot of fuel, which will take up a lot of natural resources.  As well, we will have to use resources to construct rockets.  Once we get enough infrastructure in space, we can completely transfer all mining activities out of Earth, and experience no environmental effects of mining except for the use of the resources we mine.  


Science Journal 10: The Power of Cute

The Power of Cute

I have to admit that I’m a stereotypical teenage girl when it comes to cute things.  I talk in a “baby voice” to fluffy little puppies, and I melt every time a baby smiles.  The factor of cuteness is unique because unlike attractiveness (some people like black hair, some people like brown hair, etc.)  something that is considered cute by one person is generally considered cute by a vast majority of the population.  I wanted to investigate a little more on cuteness.  Is being cute maybe something that animals and babies have developed through evolution in order to help them survive during their early years, when they are at their most vulnerable state? 

Many scientists are intrigued by cuteness as well, and have decided to do some research.  An experiment was conducted in which people were asked to look at cute and not-cute images, and complete a task involving fine motor skills.  After looking at the cute image, people tended to perform better, showing that cuteness causes more focus in humans.  But why does cuteness cause such a large reaction in humans?  Cuteness is a characteristic known to scientists as pedomorphism.  Humans tend to think of young things, or things with the characteristics of being young, as cute.  This is because as organisms, our genes have been programmed with the instinct of survival.  We will do what it takes to continue the race and ensure that we do not die out. 

Babies are loud and smelly and take a lot of work, so why would we want to take care of them?  The answer to this is cuteness.  Because of their pedomorphism, babies have large eyes, large heads, and small noses, traits which almost every human finds cute.  Our genes and survival instinct cause a sense of protectiveness to invoke in us at the sight of this cuteness, which is why we feel so motivated to protect the young.  This reaction to pedomorphism extends beyond humans, and can be seen when observing other animals with large eyes, heads, and small noses.  For example, puppies and kittens are considered to be extremely adorable by most of society.  These traits for cuteness have not gone unnoticed by artists and animators. 

It is quite common to see cartoon characters that have extremely large eyes, heads,  and small (or sometimes, none at all).  An example of this is during Shrek, when Puss in Boots uses his large, sad eyes to convince people to do things for him.   I have experienced the effects of pedomorphism first hand, because of my dog.  When he was a puppy, I was enamoured by his large puppy eyes and soft ears.   Though the instinct to protect creatures with pedomorphism is strong, is it starting to wear off?  As technology and society advances, people are straying further and further away from what used to be thought of as traditional, or normal.  People who  might have previously wanted a baby because of their cuteness and their urge to protect and raise a child now might also want to wait until later in their lives to start a family, so that they can pursue a career or live their lives in a way they wouldn’t be able to while taking care of a family.  This trend is starting to come out, but it is still growing very slowly, and it is likely to be a while before it has an effect on society.  

After looking at how cuteness affect behavior, will we be able to use this information to our advantage?  Some companies are already, by using cuteness as a factor in their advertisements and marketing schemes to convince you to buy their products.  We could also use the results from the study that showed that cuteness improved focus by employing cuteness while studying for tests or activities that require a lot of attention.  


Aaaaaand just a few more pictures for fun :D 

Science Journal 9: The Bitter Side of Sweet

The Bitter Side of Sweet

Article Link:

A study done by Princeton University researchers has found that different types of sweeteners have different effects on your body.  The researches decided to test out their theory that not all sweetners have the same effects using rats.  One group of rats was fed high levels of sugar, while the other group was fed high levels of high-fructose corn syrup, a sweetener found in many soft drinks, candies, and processed foods.  The rats eating the sugar were receiving a dose that had a similar concentration to that of a soft drink.  The rats eating high-fructose corn syrup were drinking it at a much lower concentration that what is normally found in most soft drinks. The rats that were ingesting a high level of sugar had some signs of fat accumulation, but there were no severe signals that their weight was getting out of control.  The rats that ate corn syrup, on the other hand, were almost all obese, and showed major signs of fat accumulation.  Their fat followed known patterns of obesity, such as gathering around the stomach and the thighs.

During the experiment researches found out that the rats being fed the  high-fructose diet were 48% more overweight than the ones eating normal rat food.  The scientists believe that one of the main reasons for these results is that normal sugar, sucrose, must be processed by your body more than the corn syrup, while corn syrup was processed, and is made for easy consumption and absorption.  I think that these findings are very relevant to problems we are facing in society today.  An overwhelming amount of the population is overweight or obese.  During the 1970’s, the American obesity rate was 15%.  When corn syrup was introduced to the market, the number of obese citizens living in America greatly elevated, and now obese people make up around one third of America’s adult population.   

Not only does being obese make it harder to perform basic tasks during the day, but it also makes you prone to many serious diseases, such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, and cancer.  In fact, many of the rats who were consuming the corn syrup exhibited signs of the aforementioned diseases.  This study aids us in our battle against obesity, since it shows us one of the possible causes for such an increased obesity rate.  People can use this study to influence their decisions on what to eat.  They will be able to make more informed decisions, and won’t be unknowingly contributing to the obesity crisis. 

Though obesity might seem like a fair consequence for a bad choice, many adults base their (and, commonly, their children's) eating decisions based on the marketing around them.  A lot of products claim to be sugar free or low in fat, when they might actually harm you.  Another reason I think that citizens shouldn’t be held fully responsible for the rising obesity rate is because when corn syrup was first made, researchers didn’t determine whether or not there were any long term effects of it.  They might have tested it thoroughly for diseases that were common a few decades back, but something like the obesity epidemic probably hadn’t crossed their minds (or, if it did, then they just thought it would have a simple solution, such as exercise, or were very motivated by profits).  This situation can be seen now as well, since we are developing a lot of new technology, and are more commonly eating food that has been genetically modified.  We do not yet know what the long term effects of GM food are.  Even though we have tested a lot of this food, there is something that we’re still not seeing, which might come back to hurt us.   

Reading this article has made me think about what I eat, and just how little I think about my nutrition.  As a teenager, I find my attention taken by things that I consider interesting, which are not necessarily always important.  Usually, I eat things if they taste good, and pay little mind to what is in the food.  With this new information about corn syrup, I can easily cut out a large part of my diet that is unhealthy.  I can also use this information to make more conscious choices about what I eat.  While reading this article, it was important to ensure its credibility.  The author of this article is Hilary Parker, a writer for the Princeton website.  Because the main research team is affiliated with Princeton University, the article was published on the Princeton Website.  This website has a “.edu” ending, which adds credibility to it.  

Science Journal 8: Evolutionary Biologist

Career of Interest:  Evolutionary Biologist

        Two subjects that greatly interest me are biology and history.  The idea of organisms evolving and changing in order to adapt to their environment and situation amazes me, and I am interested in learning more about the different time periods the Earth went through, and how organisms have evolved throughout them.  The career of evolutionary biologist seems to be a great mix of my two interests, and involves a lot of what I just mentioned. 

        An evolutionary biologist conducts research on how evolution has caused so many different species to emerge from just a few types of organisms.  Evolutionary biology is a large field; so many biologists choose to specialize within the field somehow.  For example, they might be concerned only with the evolution of a certain family or class.  Another biologist might be looking at a certain ecosystem, and be focused on the evolution of the species in that area.  Usually, no matter what specialized field an evolutionary biologist goes into, they will be working a lot with behavior and history.

        I greatly enjoy animals, so having a career based on analyzing animals, their behavior, and their history seems very exciting to me.  By looking at how animals have evolved, and how different species are related to each other, we’ll be able to get a good overview of their behavior and their environment.  We’ll be able to gain insights about the time periods in which they evolved, and from those insights we can make further theories about the history of the Earth.  This “bigger picture” intrigues me, since I, as well as countless others, am interested to know how life formed, and how the Earth shaped life.

        To become an evolutionary biologist, you need a degree from a post-secondary institution, since a biologist’s area of study goes far more in depth than what is covered in high school.  Most often, biologists get a bachelor’s degree in biology and then go on to get their master’s degree in a more specialized field.  Most universities have their biology courses categorized under “life sciences”.  In order to be accepted to most well-reputed universities for biology, you should take 6 grade 12 courses, including English, calculus and vectors, biology, and chemistry. 

        Once their education is completed, an evolutionary biologist can find work in many different areas.  They might work for a non-profit organization, private research companies, a university research group, or a government research project.  Even if an evolutionary biologist doesn’t get a job in their specialized field, the amount of education they have received is so thorough that with a small amount of training, and a little bit of adaptation (pun intended), they can work in a field that is different than what they were aiming for.  I believe that what an evolutionary biologist does is important, since looking at how life has changed throughout history is a great way to deal with the present and prepare for and predict the future.   


Science Journal 7: I.Q. ... It's Questionable?

I.Q. ... It's Questionable? 

This week I read an article about how scientists at Western University have reached the conclusion that standardized IQ tests provide only a very narrow view of a person’s actual intelligence.  The study is one of the largest online intelligence studies ever completed, and it has yielded many results that might change the way we look at how people think, learn, and perform.  During the study, scientists asked participants to complete 12 different tests/games that measured different areas of thinking, such as memory, planning, reasoning, and attention.  The test also required participants to fill out some information about their lifestyle, and certain behaviors that they might perform.  The results of the test were very good, due in part to the great response the received by many people from all over the world.  The results showed that once the ways of measuring intelligence went past the standard IQ test, you needed at least 3 headings to display the results:  short term memory, reasoning, and verbal performance. 

The study showed a few interesting results.  People who frequently played computer games usually performed above average, while people who smoked consistently scored below average.  As well, people who had anxiety disorders usually got a lower score in the short term memory games. 

These results are very interesting, since they both validate what we already think, while making us consider new possibilities.  The results stated that smokers performed below average compared to non-smokers.  This isn’t very surprising, since smoking is known to do major damage to your organs.  The results also stated that people who played computer games regularly performed better than people who didn’t.  This is very interesting, since there is an ongoing debate about whether or not video games are debilitating to our intelligence.  I believe that video games might improve the abilities of people because one of the main areas of testing in the study was reasoning and short term memory.  While playing video games people have a goal in mind, and are often very driven towards achieving those goals.  This would force their short term memory and decision making skills to improve, since they are in situations where quick choices must be made, and you have to remember which dungeon you turned into, or what button brings up your inventory.   Many people consider video games to lower academic performance, but this test contradicts those opinions. 

 Another attention-grabbing point the results showed was that practice didn’t do much to increase a person’s performance.  The phrase “practice makes perfect” has been ingrained into almost every one since the start of their lives, and the thought that this might not be true is slightly shocking.  I think that this test will greatly affect the way we learn, the way we perceive intelligence, and the way we conduct studies.  By acknowledging the fact that there is more to intelligence than our IQ tests reveal, we can improve our methods of teaching, and find better ways of conveying information to students.

Since this test was the largest online one of its kind, it changes the way we traditionally conduct studies and experiments.  Technology is slowly changing the way we do things.  By doing the study online, researchers are able to reach more people easily for a lower price.  They can use the internet to overcome cultural and geographic barriers that would have otherwise been very expensive to overcome.  Though the internet greatly assists us in completing studies, it also has possible negative side effects.  Anonymity has always been one of the most appreciated features on the internet.  How do the researches know that the people are actually who they say they are?  What is they provided inaccurate information about their lifestyles?  Did everyone try their best on the tests?  For online studies such as this, there are many variables that the researches are unable to control, which makes the information less reliable. 

While reading this article, I made sure to check its credibility.  Though the article lacks a credited author, it is posted on the Western University website, ensuring its reliability.     

Link to Cambridge Experiment Website:

Monday 10 December 2012

Science Journal 6: Cancer


        Personally, I think that one of the most important topics we studied this year was cancer.  Almost everyone we know has been affected by cancer in some way, and it has taken the lives of too many people.  It’s quite discouraging when you look at how much money and time we have spent on cancer research, and how little progress we have made to finding a cause and cure for cancer.  In class we learned that though we have spent over $200 billion on cancer research just in the US, the rate of cancer cases has increased by 55%.  This increase in cancer cases might be due to the rising population, and the better technology.  We can now scan more people more accurately, and maybe that is why are identifying so many more cancer cases than before.  However, these two factors alone are probably not large enough to make such a significant impact of the amount of cancer cases. 

        The money spent on cancer research hasn’t been fruitless.  Researchers have identified several carcinogens:  chemicals or substances in the environment that are known to play a part in causing cancer.   One of the things that surprised me the most was learning that many of the household products we use are dangerous to us.  Companies that produce these products know that they are dangerous, but they are more concerned about their profits than the well-being of their consumers.  The area of products that I could relate to the best was cosmetics.  Many of the hair products I use contain sulfates, which are used to make products foam and lather.  Sulfates can be easily contaminated by a chemical known to cause cancer.  Sulfates are used so often in cosmetic products because many people believe that their shampoos and soaps need to foam in order for the product to properly clean their bodies.  Curious, I decided to check the internet, and found that lather does not indicate the quality of cleaning you will receive.  Furthermore, sulfates are actually bad for your hair, and they can dry it up.  After learning about the negative effects of sulfates, I decided to try out a sulfate-free shampoo.  It actually made a pleasant difference in the quality of my hair.  I was surprised by the fact that I can use science for applications that seem superficial and simple. 

        During our discussion on cancer, we learned about a couple of methods of treatment.  Most of these methods, such as chemotherapy and radiation, resulted in severe side effects for the patient.  One of the treatments that caught my attention was biophotonics, which is when you use light rays to try and get rid of the cancer.  It has very few side effects, and is more accurate than most other treatments.   
Another thing that caught my attention was the fact that we have very little ideas has to what causes someone to have cancer.  This is important because once we find out what causes cancer, we can think of ways to stop it from doing so.  Though very few causes have been found, scientists have been able to determine that exposure to UV rays plays a major role in contracting skin cancer, especially in red heads.   People with fair skin, more specifically red heads, are known to be more susceptible to getting cancer from UV rays. 

        Scientists have recently found evidence that suggests that the cause for skin cancer in red heads might lie in their pigmentation itself.  In the study they conducted, scientists compared two groups of mice with eachother.  One group’s genes had been programmed to have eumelanin, the type of melanin found in darker skinned people, while the other group had been genetically modified to have pheomelanin, which is found in red heads.  The scientists found that even without any exposure to UV rays, the mice with pheomelanin were more likely to develop malignant skin tumors than the mice with eumelanin.  Baffled, the scientists remodified the  redheaded mice so that they didn’t have any pigmentation.  These newly albino mice had far fewer cases of cancer, which suggests that the reason for the frequency of skin cancer in red heads might lie in their pigments. 

        I found this study interesting because it shows me a different perspective than what I have normally seen from science sources.  Usually, I hear about certain carcinogens in cosmetic products, or waste from energy production/usage.  These findings give me a new point of view in the quest to find a cure for cancer, by showing me that the cause for cancer isn’t always external.  That being said, UV exposure is still a major factor in skin cancer, and it is best the wear sunscreen or stay out of the sun when possible.    
